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Anglo-Nubian goat

The Anglo-Nubian doe


The high-producing Anglo-Nubian doe should also be an efficient reproducer. She should have a mild temperament, and appear alert and feminine.

The udder should be well developed not fleshy, and have a collapsed appearance and soft texture after milking. It should be round or globular, and not pendulous or ‘split’ between the halves. The udder should be carried high and well under the body. Good udder attachment is particularly important.

The teats should be distinct from the udder and moderately sized. They should be squarely placed and point slightly forward. Does with abnormal teats and udders may prove difficult to milk and should not be used for breeding replacements.

The jaw should be square (not overshot or undershot) and the teeth should be sound. The nostrils should be wide, the lips broad and the eyes set well apart. The neck should blend well into the shoulders and the chest should be broad and deep.

The body should be well developed and have good height and depth. The barrel should be deep and not fat. The ribs should be well sprung. The backline should have a very slight dip behind the withers and a gentle rise to the hips, and show no sign of weakness.

The Anglo-Nubian doe should stand and walk without dropping at the pasterns. The legs should be strong and straight without being thick, and be placed squarely under the body. The thighs should allow adequate room for the udder.

The Anglo-Nubian buck


The Anglo-Nubian buck’s ability should be gauged by his reproductive performance and the quality and performance of his offspring. The buck should have good conformation and depth of body, be masculine but not coarse in appearance and have vigour.

The testicles should be of good size, well balanced and firm. The scrotum should be well placed and allow the testes to hang away from the body (not excessively).

Only bucks which are not carriers of the gene for the beta mannosidosis condition (a lethal neurological disease of new born Anglo-Nubian kids) should be used for breeding.

Polled bucks are not generally used in breeding programs as offspring resulting from matings with polled does may be born as either intersex females or sterile males. If polled bucks are used, they should only be mated with horned does.

Anglo-Nubian goat

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